Cutting edge tool reveals the missing link to finding fulfillment at work and balance for home.

Lawyers who feel overworked, overwhelmed and stretched thin, you’re the first to suffer psychologically and mentally, burning out of the profession before you can even recoup the investment of becoming an attorney.

But did you know that discovering your basic drivers can open the door to finding fulfillment through your work and plenty of energy to live a real life afterwards?

We do this with a simple tool that helps you understand what you need mentally and emotionally to find purpose in your work, to fill your energetic tank, and to look forward to each day.


Discovering your deepest motivators helps not only at work, but it reveals:

  • The reasons why you may have had friction in your love, relationships
  • Why some goals or new habits are easier to achieve than others 
  • And the real reason why you fall short of your targets, despite all the time, energy and sacrifice you put into reaching them